Thursday, October 4, 2012

The article I found is saying that children should be socialized at a young age. The way the child is socialized will help with their manners and interaction skills. If children are socialized at a young age, it will prepare them for the future and help them to become a little more independent then the child who is constantly at home with their mother and father or other relative.When a child is constantly at home and then one day the parent leaves them with a babysitter, teacher, dance teacher, etc. they are more than likely to scream, kick, cry, and just want their parent back. To read the article click  here. An example of children being socialized at a young age would be this,  my 2 year old niece who went to dance class today. For the past  year, she has watched her older sister go and enjoy it and she even liked it so much that she would watch and try to learn the dance too. So this week was her 3rd week of dance and we expected her to like it now and be more comfortable going in the classroom with the teacher. The 1st week, she just stood there and didn't know what to do, during the second week, she warmed up and danced a little bit, but then came this week and she just did not want to leave and go into the room with the teacher and other children. When I see this happen, I can't help but wonder what triggered her to act that way. Maybe she needs to interact more with children her own age instead of her older sister and friends that are a few years older than her? or maybe she just had a bad week? I really don't know the answer, but I will continue to note when she acts that way and see how her other dance classes go.

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