Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
So far I think my survey I created is going well. I sent it to a few people yesterday and have already gotten back 7 results. The survey consists of 11 yes or no questions and there are 2 open ended questions. The information I gathered so far seems pretty accurate to what I thought it would be. I'm hoping to get back at least 5 more results from this survey.
Monday, November 19, 2012
The way that I will continue with my 2nd quarter project is to do a survey on how technology affects children and what their parents think about their behavior after watching a T.V. show or playing on the Iad ,Ipod , Iphone or any other electronic device. Another part of the survey will ask the parents questions to see if they have ever done anything and their child copied it and what the reaction was. For this survey I plan on giving it to the parents of my ccd class and also family friends with children. This will add up to about 20-30 people filling out the survey. I will be giving out this survey within the next week or so at my parish ccd class room and also at my family friends houses. Hopefully I will get the results back quickly so I can see what the parents really think.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The research method I decided to use for my second quarter project is a survey. For my 1st quarter project I focused mainly on the affects of social media, technology, the way parents play a role in children's behavior, and how children of same sex parents interact. For the survey, I want to ask parents how technology affects their children and what their opinion on their behavior is.
Friday, October 26, 2012
This week, I decided to focus on how children with same-sex parents interact with other children. It talks about how children with same-sex parents tend to be more open and flexible in choosing a toy they play with to their activity preference. This can be seen as a good thing for those children because it will help them later in life with different socialization skills. When it comes to boys with lesbian mothers, they were found to be less masculine in their play then boys with gay fathers. A Dutch study suggests that boys who score higher on feminine traits also have a better psychological adjustment score than boys with low feminine traits regardless of what family type (homosexual or heterosexual families). "Parents and educators agree that the socialization of strict adherence to traditional gender roles limits boys' and girls' developments". To view this article click here
Thursday, October 18, 2012
This week, I decided to look up how children are affected by the media especially by what they watch. I found this adorable video of these two boys dancing and singing to the "lazy song" by Bruno Mars. These children are being influenced by watching these music videos. I am not saying this is bad at all, but it just goes to show that what children see, hear, and watch really influence them and what they do. Some of the moves as well as the lyrics aren't the best influence on little children, but in the end I thought it was really interesting how children can pick things up so quickly and learn how to do them.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The article I found is saying that children should be socialized at a young age. The way the child is socialized will help with their manners and interaction skills. If children are socialized at a young age, it will prepare them for the future and help them to become a little more independent then the child who is constantly at home with their mother and father or other relative.When a child is constantly at home and then one day the parent leaves them with a babysitter, teacher, dance teacher, etc. they are more than likely to scream, kick, cry, and just want their parent back. To read the article click here. An example of children being socialized at a young age would be this, my 2 year old niece who went to dance class today. For the past year, she has watched her older sister go and enjoy it and she even liked it so much that she would watch and try to learn the dance too. So this week was her 3rd week of dance and we expected her to like it now and be more comfortable going in the classroom with the teacher. The 1st week, she just stood there and didn't know what to do, during the second week, she warmed up and danced a little bit, but then came this week and she just did not want to leave and go into the room with the teacher and other children. When I see this happen, I can't help but wonder what triggered her to act that way. Maybe she needs to interact more with children her own age instead of her older sister and friends that are a few years older than her? or maybe she just had a bad week? I really don't know the answer, but I will continue to note when she acts that way and see how her other dance classes go.
Friday, September 28, 2012

The video I found for this week is showing how these two children are coming together to play a game. It is quite obvious to me that either they watched something or heard/saw something that would influence them in this way. Even something as simple as playing firefighter can show that the way children are raised in their environment will help them to act and do the things that they will in their every day life. Growing up in a home where my dad, brothers and even my uncles and cousins are firefighters helps me to personally relate more to these children in the video. As a child growing up with firefighters, EMT's and nurses always around me it really influenced me to act the way I would when I was around others and to always help those in need even if (as a child) I really didn't like them. Children are influenced by everything around them and I think that this is a good example of how a positive influence can have a very positive outcome. To watch the video please click here
Thursday, September 20, 2012
This week when I was searching online for my blog post, I came across this amazing video. This video shows how the way that parents, adults and even teenagers act around children can affect them. It affects the way they act, dress, and even the way they socialize with others. Parent have the greatest influence on their children, so when they see them acting in a bad way, for example giving the middle finger, their child is prone to doing the same thing. This can have an impact on the way children socialize because if they see their parents getting into fights, or acting in a certain way, they too might act the way their parents do. The message this video gives off is a great one and I hope that you too are impacted by it and try a little harder next time you are around children to act in the right manner. To view the video please click on this link: social message
Thursday, September 13, 2012
For this weeks blog, I decided to find an article on how technology is interfering with childhood socialization. The article I found from the is about how recess is no longer just to play, schools all over the country are worried because of the increase in bullying done on the playground. Coaches have been brought in from a national nonprofit called "Playworks" to 170 schools from the East to West coast. A study showed that children aged 6-11 spend more than 28 hours a week on computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices. For children in past eras, part of childhood socialization was learning how to settle fights, make or break their own rules, and respect others. An estimation of 16,000 children miss school every day due to bullying. "It seems clear that there is a link among the increase of television and computer games, the decline in peer-peer socialization and the increase of bullying in our schools."
In my own opinion, I believe that technology is both helpful and harmful. It is helpful in the sense that it gives people the chance to discover things they wouldn't without the technological advances we have today. It is also harmful because as seen in the above article, it is tearing children away from going out in the real world and learning how to play with other children instead of virtually playing or watching T.V.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
I chose childhood socialization as my topic because for my career in the future, I would like to be either a child psychologist or an elementary school teacher. Since I have been teaching CCD for a little over a year now, I have seen some behaviors that really stood out to me and I would always wonder what caused the child to act that way. I feel that doing more research on they way children socialize will help me to better understand the way some children act, and eventually help me in the future for my career.
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