The video I found for this week is showing how these two children are coming together to play a game. It is quite obvious to me that either they watched something or heard/saw something that would influence them in this way. Even something as simple as playing firefighter can show that the way children are raised in their environment will help them to act and do the things that they will in their every day life. Growing up in a home where my dad, brothers and even my uncles and cousins are firefighters helps me to personally relate more to these children in the video. As a child growing up with firefighters, EMT's and nurses always around me it really influenced me to act the way I would when I was around others and to always help those in need even if (as a child) I really didn't like them. Children are influenced by everything around them and I think that this is a good example of how a positive influence can have a very positive outcome. To watch the video please click here